The Pentagon has cracked down on online misconduct in the year since the probe began. The other military services reported some of their servicemembers had been engaged in similar behaviors and others were victims. Robert Neller, commandant of the Marine Corps, responded to the scandal in a video, telling Marines to focus on training to fight adversaries, not “hiding on social media” and participating in or allowing online activities that disrespect or harm their fellow servicemembers. On March 7, 2017, three days after the initial Marines United report, Gen. The military has struggled to deal with servicemembers’ behavior on social media since last March, when it was revealed by the online news service War Horse that some 30,000 people had joined a now-defunct Facebook group called Marines United, where active-duty and veteran Marines shared nude photos of female servicemembers and others, made derogatory comments about them and threatened some of the women. Within that law, Congress approved court-martial punishment for servicemembers who engaged in the “wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images,” typically nude photographs shared without the subject’s permission, often called revenge porn. They would not say Monday whether active-duty or reserve servicemembers were suspected of distributing the content, which was made illegal in December as part of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. Carla Gleason, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon, confirmed the new allegations span beyond the Marine Corps and could include all of the military services. The latest case, unveiled in a report by Vice News last week, alleges 267 photographs of female servicemembers had been shared online in a Dropbox folder titled “Hoes Hoin’.” Immediately upon learning of the new allegations, the Marine Corps alerted the Naval Criminal Investigative Service about the photographs, Marine Corps Capt. WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials have launched a new investigation into allegations files containing hundreds of lewd photographs of servicewomen have been recently shared on the internet, just about one year after a nude photo-sharing scandal rocked the Marine Corps and the Defense Department.